Public Information

I. Procedure

The procedure for providing access to public information is stipulated in Chapter III of the Public Information Access Act (SG. 55/2000, amended. Issue 1/2002, SG. 45/2002).

II. Application for Access to Public Information
Access to public information is provided on the basis of a written application, incl. electronic or oral request. The application must contain:

  • Full name, respectively, name and address of the applicant’s office;
  • Description of the requested information;
  • Preferred form of access to the information requested - review the information, oral information, hard copies or copies on electronic media;
  • Mailing address;
  • Telephone number.

III. Submission and registration of applications
Requests for access to public information shall be registered in the register of incoming mail under Order № Z-36/24.03.2003, issued by SEWRC Chairman. All requests for access to public information are recorded at the records department of the regulator at: Sofia – 1000, 8-10 "Dondukov" bulv, III floor, room 303, tel. 9359 628; Office hours: 9.00- 12.00 and from 2:00 p.m. to 17:00 pm, fax 988 87 82.

IV. Deadline for consideration of applications
Applications for access to public information are considered within 14 days from the date of their registration. This period may be extended by not more than 10 days when the requested public information is a large amount or a maximum of 14 days when the public information requested relates to a third party and its consent is necessary for the provision. In case the regulator does not possess the requested information, but is aware of its location, within 14 days of receipt of the application SEWRC shall send the application and inform the applicant accordingly. The notice must state the name and address of the authority or entity involved. Should the regulator does not have the requested information and its location, within 14 days, SEWRC shall notify the applicant accordingly.

V. Decision to grant or deny access to public information
Within the stated time limits, the person authorized by the Chairman decides to grant or refuse to grant access to public information, about which the applicant is notified in writing. The decision to grant access or deny access to public information is given to the applicant for signature or is sent by registered mail.

VI. Costs of providing public information
Access to public information is free. Costs of providing public information shall be paid according to standards established by the Minister of Finance by Order № 10 of 10.01.2001, which may not exceed the actual costs incurred.

VII. Providing access to public information
Access to public information is provided after payment of the set costs and submitting payment document. The fee is payable in cash at the cash desk of the regulator - V floor, room № 505. For the provision of access to public information a protocol signed is by the applicant.

For informaton of persons requiring provision of public information under the Access to Public Information Act

1. By Order № ZMF-1472 of the Minister of Finance dated 29 Nov 2011, setting standards for the costs of providing public information under the Access to Public Information Act, according to the type of media, the following regulations have been set:

disk - one piece - 0.50 lev
CD - one piece - 0.50 lev
DVD - one piece - 0.60 lev
Print - one page (A4) - 0.12 lev
copy - one page (A4) - 0.09 lev
Fax - one page (A4) - 0.60 lev
videotape - one piece - 3.25 lev
audiotape - a number - 1.15 lev
written transcript - one page (A4) - 1.59 lev
Those figures do not include VAT.

2. For the information provided by the regulator in written or oral applications for access to information, the amount due shall be paid into the bank account of the regulator:

IBAN - BG78 BNBG 9661 3000 1420 01

The requested information shall be obtained after presenting a copy of the payment order in room № 303 of SEWRC.