
SEWRC resolution № ТПрГ- 5 of 29 August 2011. - 69.06KB

SEWRC resolution № ТПрГ- 4 of 29 August 2011. - 69.14KB

Appendices to the Directions for electric distribution company tariff setting under revenue cap method - 136.5KB

SERC Directions for electric distribution company tariff setting under revenue cap method - 128.3KB

SERC resolution No. ТПрГ-6/03.12.2003 for termination the tender procedure for construction of a new natural gas distribution network on the territory of Trakia region - 106.71KB

SERC resolution No. ТПрГ-5/06.11.2003 for extension the deadline for conducting a tender procedure for construction of a new gas distribution network on the territory of Mizia region - 108.34KB

SERC resolution No. ТПрГ-4/21.10.2003 for extension the deadline for conducting a tender procedure for construction of a new gas distribution network on the territory of Trakia region - 108.53KB

SERC resolution No. ТПрГ-3/05.09.2003 for gas distribution tender announcement for Dobroudja region - 135.7KB

Public annoucement for tender participation (Dobroudja region) - 126.95KB

Electricity Trading Rules - 95.63KB

SERC resolution No. ТПрГ-2/03.06.2003 for gas distribution tender announcement for Mizia region - 137.13KB

SERC resolution No. ТПрГ-1/03.06.2003 for gas distribution tender announcement for Trakia region - 137.58KB

Ordinance on regulating the prices of electric power - 96.58KB

Public annoucement for tender participation (Trakia and Mizia regions) - 202.33KB

SERC resolution No. ТПрГ-19/27.12.2004 for conducting a competition for issue of a license for carrying out the activity of distribution of natural gas on the territory of the Danube region - 71.5KB

SEWRC Decision № И1-Р-074 of 12 January 2009 on the amendment of Decision № Р-074 of 11 February 2008 on exemption from the provisions of Article 21, para. 1, sub-para. 6 and sub-para. 9, Article 30, para. 1, sub-para. 7 and sub-para. 8 and Article 172 of the Energy Act with respect to the Bulgarian section of the Nabucco gas pipeline. - 105.9KB

Ordinance on regulating the prices of natural gas - 91.41KB

SEWRC Decision № ТПрГ-1 of 12 January 2009 on initiating a competitive procedure for the performance of the activity of natural gas distribution in the territory of Troyan Municipality - 59.98KB

Ordinance on regulating the prices of heat supply - 92.85KB

SEWRC Decision № И2-Р-074 of 14 May 2009 amending Decision № Р-074/11.02.2008 to exempt the Bulgarian section of the Nabucco pipeline project from the regulated third party access rules. - 118.14KB

Ordinance on licensing of activities in the energy sector - 178.3KB