The training is recognition of the Bulgarian water regulator’s role and authority in water sector reform implementation in Bulgaria
On 10 and 11 October EWRC hosted a visit of Serbian experts who attended a practical training in water sector regulation organized within the EU-IPA project of the Republic of Serbia "EU Support for Reforms in the Water Sector Services". As an institution responsible for water sector regulation in Bulgaria EWRC had a major role in the study visit.
The training provided by EWRC Water Supply and Sewerage Services General Division is recognition of the Bulgarian water regulator’s role and authority in the implementation of water sector reform in Bulgaria and the successful European regulatory requirements and practices transposition.
"As institution regulating water sector relationships in Bulgaria, it is a great honour and pleasure for EWRC to transfer experience and good practices in creation of the regulatory framework, thus supporting the activities of a water regulator in the Republic of Serbia. The excellent activity of the Bulgarian regulator’s Water Supply and Sewerage Services General Division contributes to the high EWRC’s authority, confirmed by the election of its Director Dr. Ivaylo Kastchiev as Vice-President of the Association of European Water Regulators (WAREG)", said at the opening of the two-day training EWRC Chairman Assoc. Prof. Ivan Ivanov.
At the two-day seminar training at EWRC /10-11 October/ Dr. Ivaylo Kastchiev presented the structure and organization of the regulator’s activities, sector legislation, relations with stakeholders - water and sewerage operators, ministries and NGOs. In the specialized training’s session the main focus was given to regulatory policies in setting water services prices – cost recovery, investments, methodology, as well as policies regarding the quality of service – business planning, performance indicators, monitoring and control.
The overall objective of the EU-IPA project "EU Support to Reforms in Water Sector Services" is to improve the quality of citizens’ life by raising environmental standards in the Republic of Serbia to EU levels. Assistance is specifically envisaged in adequate tariff system establishment throughout the territory of the Republic of Serbia with introduction of full cost recovery and incentive pricing in the water supply and sanitation sector. The project envisages this to be achieved through the establishment of an independent water regulator at national level, measures for technical, organizational and financial consolidation of public water service providers in order to cover costs and offer socially affordable water tariffs. Improving water services and meeting cost coverage requirements at central and local level are among the other project objectives.