


The document creates institutional framework for bilateral cooperation

Energy and Water Regulatory Commission and Water Industry Commission in Scotland (WICS) signed a Cooperation Agreement. The document was signed by the Chairman of the Bulgarian regulator Assoc. Prof. Ivan Ivanov, PhD and Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Scottish regulator, Alan Sutherland. The agreement between WICS and EWRC establishes the legal framework for deepening bilateral contacts. It envisages for the two regulators to exchange information on regulatory policies of the two countries in the water sector, while respecting the national legal frameworks and requirements. EWRC and WICS will share experiences on various regulatory issues and develop administrative capacity through participation in specific training activities - conferences, seminars and workshops.

Members of the visiting delegation of WICS were Catherine Russell, director of Corporate Affairs and Strategy and vice president of the International Network of Water regulators (WAREG) and Donna Veri, head of General administration. The Bulgarian regulator was represented by EWRC members in charge of the water sector - Valentin Petkov, Dimitar Kochkov, Svetla Todorova and the director of "Water Supply & Sewerage Services Division Ivaylo Kastchiev.

"Expanding international cooperation and interaction with regulators from other countries is an important priority of EWRC in its current composition. Deepening the bilateral partnership is a lasting trend at European level that gives visible results, because it contributes to the exchange of best practices in regulatory activity" said EWRC chairman assoc. prof. Ivan Ivanov, PhD at the conducted official talks. He informed the representatives of WICS about EWRC priorities related to changes in the water sector aimed at its sustainable and efficient development. It was pointed out that in that period a deep reform in the water sector takes place in our country and the experience of Scotland is particularly valuable for the Bulgarian regulator, as there the first successful water sector liberalization model was introduced.

“Cooperation with regulators from other countries is particularly important for the Water Industry Commission in Scotland as this is an opportunity to learn about best practices that can benefit the consumer" said CEO and member of the WICS, Alan Sutherland. He stressed that the reform in the water sector held in Scotland had led to very good results and the agreement with EWRC will support these best practices to be beneficial to the Bulgarian water regulator in its regulatory policy”.

After signing the bilateral cooperation agreement the two delegations held a discussion on of water sector regulation.

The Cooperation Agreement with the Water Industry Commission in Scotland is a continuation of the led by EWRC active policy of enlargement and intensification of cooperation with the national regulatory authorities of other countries. The Commission has already signed bilateral cooperation agreements with the water regulators of Kosovo, Albania and Georgia, as well as energy regulators of Republic of Romania, Republic of Greece, FYROM and Montenegro.