
Ivan Nikolaev Ivanov


Professional biography


28.07.2022 - According to a decision of the National Assembly, Assoc. Prof. Ivan N. Ivanov, elected as EWRC Chairman by National Assembly’s decision of 2 April 2015, shall continue to perform the functions of EWRC Chairman until the inauguration of a new chairman.

By the adopted decision, the consequences of the Constitutional Court Decision No 8 of 2022 in constitutional case No 4 of 2022 are settled.

2015 - 2022: Chairman of the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission

2013 - 2015: Researcher at Risk Management Lab (RML), New Bulgarian University, Sofia.

2009 - 2013: Member of Parliament (MP) in XLI National Assembly: vice-chairman of Transport, Informational technologies and Communications Committee; vice-chairman of Ad-hoc Committee on investigation of decisions, actions and costs of Belene NPP Project; Member of Economic Policy, Energy and Tourism Committee; Member of Committee on improvement of the legal base for exploring underground natural resources.

2005 - 2009: Member of Parliament (MP) in XL National Assembly: vice-chairman of Transport and Communications Committee; Member of Energy Committee.

2001- 2005: Member of Parliament (MP) in XXXIX National Assembly: vice-chairman of Transport and Communications Committee; Member of Education and Science Committee.

1999 - 2003: Member of the Academic Board of Technical University (TU) – Sofia.

1997 - 2001: Member of Parliament (MP) in XXXVIII National Assembly: Member of Education and Science Committee; Member of Foreign and Integration Policy Committee.

1996: Guest – professor at Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs en Electronique et Electrotechnique (Higher Engineering School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics) - ESIEE, Paris.

1995 - 1997: Head of the UNESCO Dept at TU - Sofia; Member of the Automatics Faculty Board.

1985 - 1993: Assoc. Prof. at - Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunisia (National higher engineering school) – ENIT, Tunisia.

1968 - 2013: Lecturer at Technical University - Sofia: Assistant Prof. at Electricity metering mechanics Dept, Faculty of Electrical Engineering (till 1971); Senior assistant Prof. (till 1975); Chief assistant Prof. (till 1982); Assoc. Prof., Faculty of Automatics (1982 – 2013) and Francophone Dept (1995 - 2013).

Education and qualifications

- Assoc.Prof. in Electric Metering, HAC diploma № 6097 of 22.11.1982;
- PhD, HAC diploma № 6404 of 07.12.1976;
- Master of electric engineering, Technical University – Sofia, diploma № 6930 of 25.07.1968.

Scope of Scientific interests

Development and analysis of energy strategies, Management and regulation of energy carriers, Transmission and distribution of different types of energy; Electronic metering devices; Measuring electrical and non-electrical quantities; Computer design of measuring instruments.

Scholarly publications and research

А. At NBU - Sofia
All of the following scientific works are published on the website of Risk Management Lab (RML) and some of them have been presented at thematic energy forums: Bulgarian electricity sector reforms outlook; Geopolitical forecast: natural gas 2020; Electricity balance forecast for Bulgaria 2025; Report on energy crisis risks; South stream risks; Risks for the Bulgarian energy as a result of the Ukrainian crisis; Liquid fuels market power risks; Risks stemming from the construction of NPP Kozloduy 7th reactor; Risks resulting from SEWRC’s electricity price decision of 1.01.2014; Report on fuels, 2014.

B. At TU – Sofia
In the field of energy sector (Electrical measurement technics, Electrical Equipment): total of more than 60 research articles and reports, one monograph, two laboratory exercises tutorials, 4 author certificates and 16 studies with scientific - research characteristics. The majority of them are devoted to methods and tools for measurement in electric power: Devices for measuring the temperature of three-phase machines; Microprocessor systems for automated checking of electricity meters; Analogue-to-digital converters; Study on the reliability of power cables etc.

C. At ENIT – Tunisia
Participation in various research projects in companies in the electrical industry, devoted mainly to the application of controllers, programmable controllers, etc. for technological processes management.

D. At ESIEE – Paris
Application of PLL method for managing powerful electric circuits.

Lecturing activities
Lectures, tutorials and laboratory work in Bulgarian and French languages at TU - Sofia, ENIT – Tunisian Republic and ESIEE - Paris in a number of disciplines: Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering; Electrical Measurements; Analogue and digital electronics; Electronic converters; General Electrical Engineering; Electronic analogue measuring instruments.

Fluent in French and Russian languages, uses English.